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Press Release

On view through May 21, 2023, The Drawing Room is pleased to present the gallery’s third Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) exhibition in East Hampton, where the artist lived and worked for nearly half a century. Important ink and watercolor drawings completed during his extraordinary career at The New Yorker are central to the installation, which also highlights oil paintings, watercolors, prints and objects used on his Drawing Table reliefs. The focus is on Steinberg’s original approaches to conventional art mediums and conceptual practices such as Trompe L‘Oeil, assemblage and “found” objects.


Passionate about drawing as a child in Romania, Steinberg went on to architecture school in Milan, where he honed his skills and became intrigued by representation and, in particular, perspective as a phenomenon to explore in drawing. Included in the show are the rare trapezoidal drawings, a form of Trompe L’Oeil, on panels of wood. Drawing a cityscape or landscape as one experiences it from an angle rather than straight on, Steinberg explores how we choose to see the world. 


See below for full press release and selected works. 
