Mary Ellen Bartley: New Photographs

May 20 - June 27, 2022
Press Release

The Drawing Room is pleased to present "Mary Ellen Bartley: New Photographs", on view from May 20 through June 20, 2022. The exhibition features photographs from four series: Blue Books, Reading November, Split Stacks and Morandi's Books.


Celebrated for her nuanced explorations of the printed book, Mary Ellen Bartley has a keen interest in the still life genre that has inspired a body of work rich in metaphor, pictorial depth and tactility. The arrangements she creates exude simplicity while suggesting, with quiet insistence, the layered histories of each volume. Bartley’s sensitivity to the formal properties of her subject has stimulated ongoing experimentation with innovative techniques that continue to expand the range of her imagery.


See below for full press release and selected works. 
