Mel Kendrick: Sculpture

June 7 - July 8, 2013
Installation Views
Press Release

Opening June 7 and on view through July 8, The Drawing Room in East Hampton presents recent pedestal and floor sculptures in wood and cast concrete by Mel Kendrick, a long time resident of North Haven and New York City.


Since exhibiting his monumental 6-ton black and white striped cast concrete jacks at Mary Boone Gallery and in the gardens at the Parrish Art Museum in 2011, Mel Kendrick returns in this exhibition at the Drawing Room to a human scale totemic object to be explored intimately in the round from floor to eye level. His new Red Block series offers a dazzling circus of forms and a multiplicity of sight lines to bring the viewer closer. In each work he hollows out shapes defined by his hand tools, carving into an 8-inch solid cube of wood and stacking the “found” negative shape above the positive which becomes the base. In a taller totem his emblematic black and white stripes reappear in the more primitive medium of wood, suggesting an ancient prototype for his Markers in cast concrete. Kendrick’s transparent process is an articulate language of his own.

See below for full press release.