Saul Steinberg: Drawings, Watercolors and Objects

September 13 - October 21, 2019
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Press Release

From September 13 through October 21, 2019 The Drawing Room is pleased to present "Saul Steinberg: Drawings, Watercolors & Objects." Organized in collaboration with The Saul Steinberg Foundation, New York, the exhibition comprises carved wood objects, tabletop constructions, watercolors and drawings spanning the 50 years from 1945 through 1995. In 1959 Steinberg bought a property in the Springs, East Hampton, where he would spend his most productive years in the studio using a broad range of materials to create a vast body of work that included clocks, boxes and whittled objects that he kept in his home and workspace. A selection of these is on view, along with drawings and watercolors that were also retained in the artist’s personal collection. Many have been broadly exhibited at American museums, documented in catalogues and reproduced in The New Yorker and other publications.


Two vertical drawings are examples of compositions Steinberg made as covers for The New Yorker with extra space at the top to allow for magazine’s masthead. One depicting a pile of baseball team logos in candy-colored crayons captures the artist’s love of American teams and pastimes. The other, an ink drawing of a male figure in profile posed at the top of a staircase was published in Paul Tillich’s My Search for Absolutes, 1967, an essay on existential philosophy.


See below for full press release and catalog.