Pat Pickett: Wind in the Canopy

August 19 - September 13, 2004
Press Release

Opening August 19 and running through September 13, 2004 The Drawing Room in East Hampton is pleased to present "Pat Pickett: Wind in the Canopy", an exhibition of recent abstract ink drawings. Pickett, a longtime East End resident, began this series in her backyard several years ago while living in Bridgehampton. There, her search for a technique that would make visible the generally unseen forces of wind led her to attach a writing implement to the branch of a tree to allow the wind to make marks on a sheet of paper arranged on a tripod below. The resulting images provided a direct record of the lines Pickett had often imagined around branches of trees as they swayed in the wind.


After moving to Los Angeles in 2001, Pickett continued her exploration of the movement of wind through trees, often seeking out older species in the Southern California region where many of the works on view were created. Each drawing effectively captures an intersection of wind speed, time, geography – conditions that form the title for each piece.


See below for full press release and selected works.
