John Iversen: The Space Between: Jewelry & Works on Paper

April 8 - May 23, 2011
Press Release

From April 8 through May 23, The Drawing Room is pleased to present an exhibition of jewelry and related works on paper by John Iversen. The installation will focus on the sculptural aspect of the sterling silver and gold bracelets and brooches from Iversen’s most recent Crackle series, complemented by his signature Jack earrings. A group of early abstract works on paper and working drawings for several new jewelry pieces expands the view of Iversen’s ongoing formal investigations and the expressive use of materials that have brought his innovative work in precious metals critical acclaim for three decades.


Iversen commented recently on the segmented cuffs and brooches he creates in red, yellow, green and white gold and silver: “This work has been evolving ever since I started making jewelry, learning how to make saw cuts.” Employing the thinnest available saw blades, Iversen embarks on deconstructing a rigid sheet of metal by following a preliminary line drawing. Each sketch evolves into a linear template used when the myriad tiny elements are reassembled through a hinging technique that imbues the work with a fluid movement that allows it to conform to human contours. Iversen relishes the secret aspect of these hidden gold accents that animate the back of each piece. The nuanced textural effects that lend luminosity to the primary surfaces of his jewelry are achieved through filing, engraving, grinding and oxidation. In his final arrangement of each puzzle-like composition, Iversen introduces mysterious voids that heighten the sublime visual impact of these works and provide remarkable evidence of his masterful engineering.


See below for full press release and selected works.
