Installation Views
Press Release

Opening May 11th and on view through June 11th, The Drawing Room in East Hampton is pleased to present "Gustavo Bonevardi | New Watercolors". A separate press release is available for the concurrent exhibition, "John Torreano | Gold Gems Balls." Trained as an architect and living in East Hampton and New York City, Bonevardi’s creates sculpture and drawing projects that have been widely exhibited and commissioned. In this first presentation focused solely on his exuberant abstract watercolors that evoke blossoms and constellations, Bonevardi balances a process driven by chance with a meticulously choreographed technique.


In many respects Bonevardi’s paintings are nontraditional watercolors. Never touching the thick Canson paper with a brush, Bonevardi seeks to “get out of the way” and let the image be a surprise. Holding eyedroppers mid-air to release drops of pigment, gravity is the critical element. Drops of Opera Rose, Windsor Red, Cerulean Blue and Potter’s Pink hit the paper in sumptuous bursts of visual energy. As each splash dries the particles of color separate and a darker corona appears. Bonevardi improvises sequential drops overlapping previous ones while casting some out of the orbit of others. In these clustered explosions of saturated pigment suggestive of fireworks, his technique illuminates distinct qualities of watercolor.


See below for full press release.